Transformation from the inside out.

Video logs, vlogs, of lessons I've learned from this journey. Be informed. Be inspired. Be transformed.


Do It Anyway 1/3/23.

Feel It to Heal It 1/22/23.


Conversations with the author.

"Dear Me I See You Anthology-Author Interview" - July 5, 2023

The first interview with the authors of "Dear Me I See You Anthology" shared their hearts as to why this assignment was special to them and the impact that it has made on them so far. Roni Talley, who wrote the Foreword, connects with the authors and shares why she said yes. The visionary author also shares what inspired her to do this anthology.

"Allow Me To Reintroduce Mrs. Traci Demus-Gamble" - August 3, 2023

An intimate interview with Visionary and Bestselling Author of "Dear Me I See You," Lynette M. Bradshaw. As a first-time published author, it truly is a blessing for opportunities to share my story in hopes that it will help someone through the journey of grief, loss, and trauma. Listen to "Allow Me To Reintroduce Mrs. Traci Demus-Gamble."

"Dear Me I See You Anthology Virtual E-Book Release" - August 24, 2023

The live broadcast of the virtual e-book launch where the authors share why they said "YES!" to this amazing project. Host Jadia Bellamy engages the authors of "Dear Me I See You Anthology" in heartfelt conversations about the little girl within. The authors share their "why" and "what's next" with transparency and vulnerability. Take a look.

"It's Talk About Your Business Tuesday!! - March 6, 2024

The live broadcast of an intimate interview with Entrepreneur, Author, and Mental Health Advocate Traci Demus-Gamble by "OptimisticallyKe That's Me" Podcast host, Na'Kedra Rodgers. Traci speaks on the topic "You Are Not Alone" discussing mental illness, depression, and suicide as she prepares for her upcoming book launch and new release. Take a look.